Friday Post November 26, 2016

It’s Friday, let’s sweep! | Digesting a pause


It’s Friday, the day after Thanksgiving…where in our home the leftovers win the fridge space, collegiate football rivalries take intense shape and we all enjoy a pause with our friends and family. This week I certainly do no want Fridays With Laura to disrupt your peace and pause this holiday weekend. I do however want to give a shout out to you – those 49 people that tune in to FWL weekly. You have chosen to “follow” these digestible bites and I am thankful for that, I am grateful for you. I absolutely love to bookend each week spending time in digesting the current week, preparing for the next and writing about it. For now, a simple thank you for being an awesome part of my world, challenging me and making me better – one week at a time. As Fridays comes to a close, a hello from my “pause” with my family on Whidbey Island…

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On a quick real estate bite – keep in mind, Thursday and Friday of this week are legal holidays when you are pondering contracts  + Computation of Time. Shout if you need anything – yup, from the beach – here to help.

And by the way, when you’ve had your fill of leftovers, football, family friends, a good book and shopping I suggest a fantastic podcast, “The Tim Ferriss Show” – my favorite right now. This content is an excellent addition to your “pause.” Currently playing on my headphones – “The Art of Storytelling and Facing Malcolm Gladwell in a Fist Fight.” Earlier today when getting my workout in, “David Heinemeier on Digital Security, Company Culture, and the Value of Schooling.” You can see, the content vast – all of which keeps me learning and maintain an open mind in all things…

Committed and in partnership with you,

Laura Smith, General Manager | Windermere Real Estate Co + Northwest, Inc.

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