This week I was able to attend our Luxury Marketing Specialist Class (13 clock hours too!) – taught by Jan Selvar & Rick Franz! It’s a tall order for these two high producing brokers to take two full days to share + teach – although boy, do we sure appreciate it! This week’s sweep is a handful of digestible bite sized pieces from my class notes. Indeed, we spent two days focused on understanding the mindset of the affluent consumer – although I do believe you’ll find my notes relate to all consumers and price points.
Let’s do this, let’s dig right in and take a sweep…
“Be the docent of the home” – the area, the neighborhoods, right on down to knowing where to get the best ice cream sundae. You get the picture – it is ever so crucial to know absolutely everything an algorithm or computer can not provide someone! Be the docent.
Help winning the business – reminder that we (OB & Jill) are game to write a letter to a perspective client to help you “win the business.” If you are up for a luxury listing – Luxury Portfolio has a fantastic letter and we too have a W Collection letter. All of these are available to customize with you and we’ll get it out the door! Just ask.
Cultural differences | Would you agree knowing cultural differences with respect to business practices, culture, social etiquette would help when working with, networking and negotiating with people from all around the globe!? Indeed we have this opportunity right here in Seattle now. “We are local, we are global” – right here, right now. Here is a great resource to discover these key topics for over 80+ countries! Click here and discover!
The Waterfront Report | Did you know we have this? Thank you to our Mercer Island office for keeping this up to date! Click here.
Resale Certificate review services | CWD Group performs studies of resale certificates for Realtors and Buyers. We review resale certificate and disclosure information for any community, including those managed by CWD Group, by other companies, and those produced by self-managed communities. Different than a resale certificate, our review is an independent, unbiased appraisal of the provided information, and details Buyers need to be active, informed, and participatory members of their new community. CWD Group’s consulting service cuts through the reams of disclosure documentation and distills the information down to the elements that really matter so Buyers may make an informed decision when becoming a member of the corporation. For additional information, contact Marshall Johnson, at 206-706-8000. or Click here.
Pre-listing packets | Haven’t yet gotten around to putting a pre-listing packet in your practice? It’s time. Turns out that TouchCMA has made it easy to get started. We have two videos that will show you exactly how to do this. WORC > Education > Did you Know? > prelisting packet with TouchCMA. There is a 3 minute Overview video and a 5 minute How to Training Video by The Dan Givens. Easy to follow along. Need help? Just ask.
Next week I’m going to share the interworking’s of Catherine Adams process in writing ad copy. This week I had the opportunity to hear and experience her approach to the creative process. She described “creativity being steeped in discipline.” A sneak peek in writing great ad copy – think about these two key questions: “how does that property make you feel?” and “who is the buyer?”
…oh heck, as I blog today I believe I’ve just discovered our next Double Down podcast! Yes, that’s it…I’ll go get Catherine mic’d up – I’m liking the sound of that! I would like everyone to experience her creative process…and maybe she’ll even repeat her “itsy bitsy tiny weeny yellow polka dot bikini” ad copy story!
Laura Smith, General Manager | Windermere Real Estate Co.
Ballard + Eastlake + Madison Park + Northgate + Sand Point + Wedgwood