Friday Post December 7, 2018

It’s Friday, let’s sweep! | do you have a favorite rep? + a favor

Welcome to Friday, let’s sweep! This week I have a favor to ask!

Do you have a favorite title rep? Ok, great – think about that person. What is it that you appreciate? How did they build that relationship with you? For some of you this would be Michelle Barry or Craig Ellis, CW Title. For others, someone else has won your business! Ok great, with this person in mind – here is my favor…

In 2019 Moreland Insurance will be hiring an insurance rep to be our partner within our offices. Before I open this opportunity up to the masses I want to look internal. This role is all about building relationships – just as your favorite title rep does. If a candidate(s) comes from you I see this as internal! And I like that, a lot.

Clean Dealing. Great Coverage. Best Price.

Let’s first refresh what is under that tree of Moreland Insurance…

“At Moreland Insurance we believe that clean dealing and low-pressure interactions are the key to creating relationships that last. When you come to us for a quote it is our goal to either save you money on coverage comparable to what you currently have, or get you better coverage at the same cost. If we can’t, we will tell you so, and encourage you to stay with your current carrier.

Why do business this way? Simple. It’s how we would want to be dealt with—honestly, fairly, and with integrity.

We do the shopping
for you.”

Moreland Insurance is an independent agency. Our team of experienced agents do the work of shopping around, comparing options across multiple carriers to find you the best coverage at the best price.”

How can you help me? Connect anyone you believe would be a good fit to partner with us, spend time with us in our offices and build relationships. It’s that simple. Feel free to share this blog post as a means to connect us. 206.227.7133 cell |

And oh, remember how I just bought a new house? Guess what I needed? = An insurance binder. Moreland wasn’t able to [yet] save me money on comparable coverage or find me better coverage at the same cost…however, they are shopping on my behalf and will circle back when they do! I like that – someone looking out for me – as they will you. And they were honest and told me to stay with my insurance carrier for now. *If you’d like them to give your insurance needs an honest once over – here you go. Good people.

Ps, we have Moreland to thank for being able to solidify the group life + disabilities offerings for us this year. That has already made an big impact within our company. I am grateful.

THANK YOU in advance for any & all “internal” candidates to fill our Moreland rep role!

On a holiday note!  Ballard + Eastlake + Madison Park + Northgate + Sand Point + Wedgwood – it is just about time to gather and be merry + bright! Let’s get festive!

Next week, Fridays With Laura will deconstruct the YTD + November “science” – stand by on that! And there is new headline to better understand – Seattle Times Article here. Thank you to Sabrina Booth for your wiliness to represent us in the media this week! *FYI, the behind the scenes you should know…Sabrina shared with me that the reporter combined multiple quotes from her into one – interesting insight!  Next week I will also have Matthew Gardner, Sabrina Booth and Catherine Adams mic’d up on podcast to help us move beyond these media headlines and tap into their wisdom! Keep in mind…the “media is one of the biggest factors in our slow down” – says Alan Pope.

In partnership with you, and so glad to be.

Laura Smith, Co-owner | Windermere Real Estate Co.