Dear brokers,
One the eve eve of Valentine’s Day I find it most suitable to write you a love letter – a love letter about your client’s love letters. You know the ones…
Actually, let me do one step better and bring you back to one year ago and my Ep #18 podcast – Double Down, CORE Legal Bites with attorney, David Daniel from Demco Law Firm. Taken straight from the legal horses mouth & the best “belt & suspender” advice to our Sellers – “base your decision on what is within the 4 corners of the offer.” – David Daniel
How can we help Sellers accomplish staying within the “4 corners” of an offer and thus keep them safe with respect to Fair Housing Laws? Listen in on minutes 2-12 for a smart conversation around “love letters”…

https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/767162314&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true Laura Smith | Windermere Real Estate Co. · EP 18 – Double Down; CORE legal bites
…hope you take those 10 minutes offered up to listen in. Why? E&O will not cover a fine or other type of penalty that may be assessed against a broker for violating Fair Housing Laws. That should have our attention. It sure got mine!
…and now I have your full attention – I will say, not all love letter are bad – yet they are fertile ground for a violation – our pandemic advice works well too with Fair Housing: Go Slow, Do No Harm.

Taking you back to the HUB to wrap this week.
The History Of Housing Discrimination in Washington State
In a presentation on the history of housing in the Puget Sound, UW History Professor Emeritus Dr. Quintard Taylor, explores the roots of discriminatory practices that formed the predominantly black neighborhoods of Seattle and the surrounding region. He shows that despite the progressive early history of Seattle, a gradual change in economic and social conditions leads to open housing discrimination against African Americans through the use of restrictive covenants in the early 20th century.
Those early restrictions were amplified in later years by FHA underwriting standards and appraisal bias within the industry. Throughout his detailed seminar, Dr. Taylor argues that discrimination in housing plays a major role in the economic displacement of the African American community.
Every real estate professional who is interested in a better understanding of our history, the challenges of providing housing for all, and the obstacles to home ownership for minority communities should view Dr. Taylor’s lecture. I’ve watched this once; will hit repeat the weekend – it’s that important. Head to the HUB for the recorded video.
This is one in a series of videos hosted by the Seattle King County Realtor Association commemorating Black History Month in February
Laura Smith | Designated Broker, Windermere Real Estate Co.
A note on the upcoming Presidents’ Day:
When computing time for purchase and sale agreements, please regard this Monday, February 15th as a legal holiday. Presidents’ Day is a legal holiday under Washington law.