Welcome to Friday all! What I care most about today is preparing us all for a good THIS Monday. Yes, it’s Valentines Day & something else is brewing…
If you have a Windermere email address – Monday morning you’ll be very pleased to wake that day & know your email password. My best advise is to jot it down on a sticky note – naturally somewhere safe (wallet, kitchen drawer – just spitballing here…) between now and 6am this Monday morning.
Why? A note from WORC:
BE PREPARED! Enhanced Email Security Update: Microsoft is updating its systems to enhance email security authentication. This is a mandatory update, that must be completed by October 2022. Windermere will be converting early on February 14, 2022, to minimize any potential business impact during peak real estate seasons. All Microsoft customers will be forced to convert in October 2022. Read our Enhanced Security Update FAQ for all of the important details surrounding action you need to take to be ready for this update.
All of us Microsoft email customers will be forced to convert – it is our turn! Let’s make it a great day by knowing our email passwords & pivoting quickly to a focus on dishing out Valentines love.
If this doesn’t go well for you there will be a HUB post on Monday morning to support next steps in email password recovery option during said forced security authentication. Yet, sigh – let’s not go there. That sounds like a really bad Monday!

In other (good) news, it appears the conversations around removal of the “don’t know” box on Form 17 will not happen! That was a dumpster fire waiting to happen. An opportunistic moment however for me to remind Listing Brokers the importance of coaching Sellers to a completed Form 17. Not necessary to investigate further beyond the moment of filling out a From 17, yet 100% necessary to complete it – completely. Have questions as to the “why” – feel free to ask me or ask you owner/DB/manager.
Wrapping FWL with those two pieces of information on this Friday, February 11, 2022. Are we Valentines (email password) ready?! Hope so.

And if you are up for dishing out a high 5 from this week to a peer within industry? We had 5 this week! They were awesome. Let’s show love where we see impeccable professionalism & collegiality.