Six years yesterday I began writing this blog on each Friday. While the pace of this market at times leads me to post on a Saturday or Sunday – Fridays have been my day to “sweep the week” with you for now six years. Thank you for being the audience I choose to write for!
This week, I’m changing it up and going Vblog style – aka, “a blog in which posting is primarily in video form.” Lots to talk about – video the medium for this week. And thank goodness, Kristin Munger was willing to mic up with me again for our 6th “coffee with Kristin & Laura”…and on a Saturday!
40 minutes and 27 seconds…with our coffee & stats. We chat interest rates, pace of market and question… “are price opinions effective?” Maybe. All right here.
ps, I referenced the below slides with Kristin from Keeping Current Matters and their April ’22 Monthly Market Report…
Vblog a wrap and thanks again for being the audience the keeps me going from week to week!
All in, for you. All in, for us. – Laura
…save the date! Our prestigious northwest tradition is back! All details right here.
A true tradition of community + sport!