As promised, Kristin & I brewed more coffee, mic’d up and discussed “now” systems, data, approach & conversations with clients. We hope this sets you in a good direction for the day(s) & week(s) ahead within a transitioning market.
Brew a cup & join us, right here. 🎤 (47 minutes)
Ps, I referenced the below idea – within this episode – give it a quick glance then dive right in. Remember, there is no one “right” way or system to approach what we do – the key is to discover yours.

…one idea to help promote a Seller pricing well vs aspirational…
Deciding a list price can be difficult for sellers and listing brokers. Trying on a Denise Lones idea:
• Pick the best comparable properties from the active competition.
• Print out listing detail redacting any pricing details. Number each property and write price (list price for active and pending and sold price for solds) on the back of the report. Then show seller the photos from each property and ask them to order the properties based on their opinion of price (lowest to highest).
• Then have seller state where they think their house fits.
• Flip over the reports and see how close they were.
And here is a challenge for you: Without the ability to use the word “shift” or “correction” when speaking of the current market environment with clients – what word(s) would you use? *drop your word(s) in the comment section! Our words to guide our clients matter.
Have a great week, here to help – the ultimate goal. – Laura