Friday Post July 29, 2022

It’s Friday, let’s sweep! | I am…

Welcome to it, Friday has arrived! I am going to challenge you to think differently today – specifically around your goals. Before I challenge you, I want you to conjure up a big goal. You know, one of those you think about and aren’t yet willing to say out loud. It might be business related. It might be personal. It might integrated in both. Take that goal and convert it to an I am statement.

I am ____________________ .

Ok, ready?! Here is an idea to help you arrive there. It is a newer theory rooted in the latest research findings on performance. A concept called “Goal Fusion.” Angela Duckworth (scientist, professor, researcher, and author) speaks to the the Seahawks following a recent practice around this topic: 3 minutes & 13 seconds right here on “Goal Fusion.”

Thank you to Kamila Kennedy for the image above and thank you Dina Harvey Jardine for the link above. You both have helped set an inspired coarse for me in the next several weeks of blog writing! Can’t wait to share what is on my mind in “thinking differently.” For today however, it is all about your “I am ____________” statement. Spend August with this concept as you integrate work & summer play into one. It’s a good time to think and prepare for the 2022 homestretch together. I’m right here with you.

Next week, I’ll be sharing my current theory on hospitality in our business. There is a real opportunity within right now and it costs you very little. Hint hint: surprise & delight

Have a wonderful weekend in work & play – All in, with you. – Laura

Ps, this morning’s early thoughts and sweep of this week brought to you by a few miles on my board. This is my kind of work/play integration…