It’s in the air – fall & football.
A Monday note on both “fall & football” to start a fresh new week…
Let’s start with football. Our family has enjoyed this season’s Hard Knocks – a reality sports documentary television series produced by NFL Films and HBO. First broadcast in 2001, the show typically follows a NFL team through its training camp and covers the team’s preparation for the upcoming football season. The series depicts the personal and professional lives of players, coaches, and staff including their family life, position battles, and even inside jokes and pranks.
The current season features the New York Jets. I’m enjoy the rookies’ adjustments to playing in the NFL, with emphasis on the team’s most recent top draft pick. There has also been a focus on undrafted and journeyman players who are attempting to make the team.
For a gal like me, my favorite episode this season was in the film room. As an athlete I’ve spent time in film room – taking your game film, breaking it down, looking for slight edge adjustments and what worked well. This particular episode was most interesting as the New York Jets had film session in the dark with no sound on. This, as an athlete, I had not done. With a dark film room and sound off – there is nothing but the performance on the screen to observe and learn from. No commentary to distract from the activity on screen. Raw, real, performance.
I took that episode and worked with it last week in my own profession. I challenge you to do the same as we prep for our next season – the fall & winter real estate season that will fill us with opportunity for those that are all in & commitment to the game.

How did I work with this concept of film room into real estate? Good question. Answer is: in breaking down my communication. Each communication from last week – I broke down my own film.
I asked myself a series of questions post meeting, class, email, call, text:
What did I like best?
Where was I great?
When did I feel connected with the person(s) I was communicating with?
Areas for Improvement.
The best way for me to add even more value on that call would have been to…
A discussion point that I feel I could have hit home even better was…
A question that I could have asked that might have led to a better outcome would have been…
Something I want to work on to become event better is…
Questions aim our focus. I offer the above set of questions for your own film room sessions.

And, as we begin to see school buses on our city streets again, a sticky note reminder to us all to slow down in those school zones as we navigate our to & fro. To help with that & give a general feel good to begin our week – a story from yesterday’s CBS Morning Show worth the watch – 2 minutes here.
Have a great week – here to help – the ultimate goal. – Laura