Welcome to Friday! A couple digestible bites to wrap up this week and prepare for next… ps, welcome to February, it’s here! Wow, January was a blur.
Remember KCM’s Steve Harney’s (Keeping Current Matters) four goals for brokers in 2019? 1. don’t panic 2. stay current daily 3. control the narrative and 4. every day, list *and when you list, price for what the home will sell for today = make prices compelling.
Here is a good blog post with respect to goal #3 “controlling the narrative“…I ran across this in helping two brokers prepare for their upcoming Home Buyer class!
“Is Student Loan Debt A Threat to Homeownership? No!” – Keeping Current Matters
Need a login to KCM to read article? laurasmith@windermere.com | password: impact2019
For those of you getting ready to launch homes to the market – [aka, goal #4 above!] – a small reminder with significant consequences around Listing Input! A tip to assure a successful launch!
On page #1 of Listing Input there is a yes/no drop down for “Internet Advertising” – choose yes if you want your listing to sweep and syndicate to the world correctly. Choosing “no” has significant consequences – aka, you’ll wonder + be waiting to see your new listing sweep to Windermere.com etc…to no avail. Imagine your angst and your client’s frustration if “no” is accidentally marked on LIP. It happened to one of our listing this week which brings me to “the why” in adding to FWL this week!
People have been asking about my tattoo commentary – stay tuned – next Friday more to come on that. A few pictures above to prime the pump. What is Laura up to? Lights + camera + action!
Welcome to Friday, good luck in a productive weekend in work & play!
All in, with you.
Laura Smith, Co-owner | Windermere Real Estate Co.