Friday Post October 8, 2023

Double Down Ep. 28 “luxury lab” & beyond

Excited to share Ep.28 of my Double Down podcast – “Luxury Lab & beyond”…

Before you begin listening – approach this episode by removing “luxury” from the title & inserting the “client experience.” Windermere brokers, Susan Stasik, Carmen Gayton, Valerie Hwang & Narcisa Kaminski mic up with me and continue the conversation from this years Windermere Luxury Lab, hosted at Willows Lodge. You will quickly realize this Episode has something for everyone.

Let’s dive in and explore deeper real estate through the lens of the client experience & beyond…

Ep.28 – full episode here.

After listening to Episode 28, I’ve have three important questions to help us translate this conversation into actionable steps within your real estate business:

  1. 3 skills I could develop to help me feel more confident are…
  2. The simple steps I could take to improve those skills include…
  3. The coaches, mentors or industry peers I could seek out concerning those skills are…

As we look ahead to a new week, I encourage you to embrace a theme that I am focused on as we move further into fall and closer to planning for the New Year. While we often ponder market dynamics, let’s challenge ourselves to take greater agency over the things we can control. I’ll delve deeper into this formula from Brendon Burchard’s book – “High Performance Habits.”

Curiosity = (Competence + Congruence + Connection) = Confidence.

More to come. For now, welcome to getting ready for a fresh new week of opportunity. Bring curiosity to your week & I promise it will be a welcomed ingredient into your days…

Here to help – the ultimate goal. – Laura