Windermere Real Estate Co.
Welcome to Friday! I’m dipping my toe back into our local market as I prepare to re-enter post vacation next week. In taking a look at our March Seattle Reports, these are the digestible bites I have noticed…
Ps, Feel free to leave a “comment” in the comment box (upper left hand corner of FWL blog) in what you’ve noticed…I’m curious what you’ve noticed?!
***I’ll call each of you next week if you leave a comment – let’s connect!***
Seattle (based on Residential and Condominium report):
I’ll be back in the offices next week post Spring Break! I’ve enjoyed goofing off with these fine people in Disneyland and Palm Spring – hot, hot, hot!
Laura Smith, General Manager | Windermere Real Estate Co.
Ballard + Eastlake + Madison Park + Northgate + Sand Point + Wedgwood