It happened! We officially turned the page and have begun a New Year. Wishing each of you the best of 2017 and more specifically, wishing you exactly what you wish to create!
And as we take our first steps into a new chapter (2017), I want to share with you a fun + impactful tool in mapping out exactly what you desire in 2017. Once clear on the “what” – your resonant next steps will appear with proper focus. This is fun and guess what…it works!
Many of you have been exposed to my whiteboards, giant sticky notes on my walls, witnessed my note taking and the like…this is how I “map” everything out. I can’t do linear – it doesn’t interest me. I choose this trick…here is a one minute video to show you > Click here to map it out.
Grab a piece of paper, your favorite writing vehicle – you’ll start with 2017 in the center of your page, “draw spokes” to what matters to you + go from there. Give it a go in 2017. Think BIG. It’s worth it. Cheers to you as we take our first steps towards life in the New Year…(thank you Robert Johnson (WW) for sharing this link – you know me oh too well!)
Turn the page. Map it. Go Big. Go Broad. Go Sideways. Make an impact. Create it. I plan to. 2017 is here.
In continued partnership with you + so glad to be…
Laura Smith, General Manager | Windermere Real Estate Co.